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Dr. William Trumbower

William D. Trumbower, MD, FACOG
June 1, 1945 – March 4, 2016



By focusing on the wellness of the whole person and truly listening to his patients rather than solely relying on lab results, Dr. Trumbower grew a fiercely loyal patient base, most of whom had life changing results thanks to his devoted care, and many of whom had been his patients for over 30 years. Paleolithic nutrition, natural thyroid replacement, and a total lifestyle overhaul drastically changed his own life, helping him shed the extra weight he had carried for much of his life, and allowed him to stop taking statins, blood pressure medication, and other pharmaceuticals. He wanted his patients to experience positive changes as well. In fact, Dr. Trumbower was known for helping patients who were frequently unable to find answers or help through conventional medicine. For many of us, he was the first doctor to put his arm around us and tell us it was going to be okay--and with his help, it was. At his visitation, the line of people whose lives he saved stretched for hours. We (Erin and Lila) are two of those people. We miss him dearly, and we know he would be excited to be part of this gathering.


Dr. Trumbower received his medical degree from the University of Missouri – Columbia School of Medicine in 1971 and completed his residency at the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics. He left the University of Missouri in 1977 to start a private practice, eventually joining Women’s Health Associates in 1995. During his 42-year career in obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Trumbower delivered more than 9,000 babies, practiced high risk obstetrics, and was a highly skilled gynecologic surgeon. He had a passion for wellness and for medicine in all its forms, and received a comprehensive certification in hyperbaric medicine and wound management in 2013. Other than his family and obstetrics/gynecology, his greatest passion in life was wellness, including lifestyle modification for improved quality of life, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, natural thyroid and endocrine therapies, and a myriad of other cutting-edge methods to improve the overall health and well-being of patients, friends and family.


The last phase of his career was spent at Pela Cura Anti-Aging & Wellness with his daughter, Elisabeth, RN, Licensed Aesthetician and owner, fulfilling a dream he and Elisabeth shared for over 10 years: to create an integrated clinic providing holistic and preventive care for both men and women. Dr. Trumbower felt that modern American medicine had become too focused on treating the symptoms of disease with pharmaceuticals rather than finding and treating the root cause of patients’ symptoms. 


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